
Important Update: Alleged Core Location of Reactor 3 at Fukushima, Japan

Two weeks ago a discussion was started online about whether or not the core of nuclear reactor #3 was found in between the reactor buildings of unit #3 and unit #4 of the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan.

Whether it is the core or not remains inconclusive for us and for now, given that the image quality is not optimal, several persons including Jim Stone claim it is indeed the core of reactor number 3. If it is then that is GREAT, from a certain perspective! It would be yet another indication that supports the established and well-founded research that already proved that Fukushima was destroyed on purpose and NOT by the 7.0 earthquake of March 11, 2011, NOR by the tsunami!

However, should it not be the core of reactor #3, for some reason and according to official outlets, then there still is an important officially unanswered question.


It is possible that both pictures below were taken on the same day by the same drone or helicopter, given that the shadows are in the same direction, with the sunlight coming from the left-hand side in both pictures.

Ironically the image without the shadow on the roof, allegedly from “a crane,” comes from mainstream media outlets, i.e. MSNBC and MSN, published on March 30, 2011. This further shows that should it be so that indeed reactor core #3 has been located then mainstream news outlets would be the first ones who would be supplied with altered, photoshopped, photos in order to make the official narrative seem legit because it is totally ludicrous to assume that the establishment media would erase that shadow on the roof. That’s beyond absurd to even suggest that. It would destroy the coverup and official narrative.

Of course the unaltered MSNBC photo was BEFORE it was anticipated that the truth would eventually come out, that people would soon find out that the Fukushima nuclear power plant was destroyed on purpose during the declaration of war on Japan and its people by foreign, US and Israeli, operatives.

fukushima, reactor 3, reactor 4, japan, destroyed on purpose, photoshopped, shadow, crane

The “original” images used in this update are still online and have been saved of course for future reference. It is advised that everyone does the same before the photo without the shadow on the roof disappears from the net after it has been found out that again the lies have been uncovered and put into the spotlight.

Latest Fukushima Propaganda Piece: “The Life of Nuke Worker” Recorded as Manga

As our loyal readers know, our website Fukushima 3/11 Truth is one of the most comprehensive sources online where the real facts about Fukushima 3/11 (2011) can be found. Our collection of data and well-documented investigative reports by us and other  investigators is so vast that it makes “the newspaper of record,” the New York Times, look like a first-grader’s school project on creative expression.

We will share the following manga with you today for the sole purpose of documenting yet another innovative way, by the mainstream Western government propaganda machines, of dis-informing the general public about Fukushima.

While reading this tainted and deceptive publication keep in mind that it has been proven beyond any doubt that the nuclear reactors at Fukushima were destroyed deliberately through the use of Stuxnet and hard weaponry, such as nuclear explosive devises, proudly provided by the state of Israel, Magna BSP and the U.S. government.

Remember that the UN, the USGS, the NRC, the EU, Greenpeace and the WWF are equally complicit in the cover-up of the truth, by calling the nuclear disaster an “accident,” while we have extensively proven that the disaster is a combination of deliberate sabotage, eco-terror and acts of war.

In the right sidebar of this website under the title “All 3/11 Reports and Articles” you can find every piece of data and evidence concerning the truth about Fukushima 3/11 that is being banned by EVERY mainstream news outlet on Earth be it online, on TV or in the newspapers. All that data and evidence that we have collected so far is increasingly also being banned by “alternative” media outlets who have made it their new calling to cash in on fear mongering, black propaganda and the sales of “survivor” products.

With that in mind, enjoy the new brainwashing attempt.


The Life of Fukushima Nuke Worker Recorded as Manga

– Chapter 1 –

Artist: Kazuto Tatsuta (pen name)

Translation & Lettering: William Flanagan

Editing: Julie Davis

Technical Consultant: Takayuki Karahashi

ichi-efu, 1f, manga, fukushima, Kazuto Tatsuta

ichi-efu, 1f, manga, fukushima, Kazuto Tatsuta

ichi-efu, 1f, manga, fukushima, Kazuto Tatsuta

ichi-efu, 1f, manga, fukushima, Kazuto Tatsuta

ichi-efu, 1f, manga, fukushima, Kazuto Tatsuta

ichi-efu, 1f, manga, fukushima, Kazuto Tatsuta

ichi-efu, 1f, manga, fukushima, Kazuto Tatsuta

ichi-efu, 1f, manga, fukushima, Kazuto Tatsuta

ichi-efu, 1f, manga, fukushima, Kazuto Tatsuta

ichi-efu, 1f, manga, fukushima, Kazuto Tatsuta

ichi-efu, 1f, manga, fukushima, Kazuto Tatsuta

ichi-efu, 1f, manga, fukushima, Kazuto Tatsuta

ichi-efu, 1f, manga, fukushima, Kazuto Tatsuta

ichi-efu, 1f, manga, fukushima, Kazuto Tatsuta

ichi-efu, 1f, manga, fukushima, Kazuto Tatsuta

ichi-efu, 1f, manga, fukushima, Kazuto Tatsuta

ichi-efu, 1f, manga, fukushima, Kazuto Tatsuta

ichi-efu, 1f, manga, fukushima, Kazuto Tatsuta

ichi-efu, 1f, manga, fukushima, Kazuto Tatsuta

ichi-efu, 1f, manga, fukushima, Kazuto Tatsuta

ichi-efu, 1f, manga, fukushima, Kazuto Tatsuta

ichi-efu, 1f, manga, fukushima, Kazuto Tatsuta

ichi-efu, 1f, manga, fukushima, Kazuto Tatsuta

ichi-efu, 1f, manga, fukushima, Kazuto Tatsuta

ichi-efu, 1f, manga, fukushima, Kazuto Tatsuta

ichi-efu, 1f, manga, fukushima, Kazuto Tatsuta

ichi-efu, 1f, manga, fukushima, Kazuto Tatsuta

ichi-efu, 1f, manga, fukushima, Kazuto Tatsuta

ichi-efu, 1f, manga, fukushima, Kazuto Tatsuta

ichi-efu, 1f, manga, fukushima, Kazuto Tatsuta

ichi-efu, 1f, manga, fukushima, Kazuto Tatsuta

ichi-efu, 1f, manga, fukushima, Kazuto Tatsuta

ichi-efu, 1f, manga, fukushima, Kazuto Tatsuta

ichi-efu, 1f, manga, fukushima, Kazuto Tatsuta

ichi-efu, 1f, manga, fukushima, Kazuto Tatsuta

ichi-efu, 1f, manga, fukushima, Kazuto Tatsuta

ichi-efu, 1f, manga, fukushima, Kazuto Tatsuta