Map Proves that the Official Story is NOT the Truth

The map below of the Miyagi prefecture, provided and used by Yoshiharu Shumuta Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry Civil Engineering Lab., proves that the official story is NOT the truth.

As you can see, the strongest earthquake intensity, on March 11, 2011, is on land and not near or at sea. Also this FACT is very important, since it is completely the opposite of what we should expect if there really was a 9.0 earthquake.

How can the earthquake intensity readings of station MYG004 (red zone) be 6.67, while MYG011 (green and yellow zone) registered only 5.63 although MYG011 was the closest to the epicenter?

Since the strongest earthquake was ON LAND it is fair to conclude that the sea quake was far less than the official 9.0 magnitude.

It has therefore again been proven that the official story is false and that Jim Stone’s report is correct.

miyagi, fukushima, 3/11 truth, japan, nuclear attacks, tsunami, earthquake

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